Full Price!

The Best for LE$$
Est. 2006
Locally, Family Owned & Operated Since 2006

Ed Zmuda
Broker, Owner
Call for the Savings,
Stay for the Service
Darlene Zmuda
Sales Agent

Full Service NOT Full Price
What does that mean?
We are a full service discount Real Estate brokerage serving the Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts. Our service saves our clients between 33% and 50% off traditional Real Estate sales commission when they sell their properties through us. We charge 4% commission to sell your house, and if we do not need to co-broke your listing (split the commission with an agent bringing a buyer), then we only charge you 3% - THATS 50% OFF TRADITIONAL COMMISSIONS!
Why do we charge only 4% commission?
We provide full service from listing date all the way through closing. We conduct a market analysis to help you determine the right price for your property. We place your property in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) used by Realtors throughout the United States and in various local, regional, and national publications as well as 40+ internet affiliates. We always cooperate with other agents so if they bring a buyer for your home they will receive a 2% commission so your property enjoys all the advantages of MLS and the savings offered by 4% USA Realty.
Are we a mortgage company?
No, we are a FULL service real estate company.
What kind of FULL service do we provide?
Full Time, Experienced Service: We work full time in your best interest and at your convenience. Your prospective buyer can reach us anytime.
Residential Specialists: We share the desire to sell your property quickly at the best market price obtainable. You receive all the benefits of professional salesmanship based on skill, experience, innovative solutions and computer software implementation for up-to-the minute knowledge of the changing market.
Qualified Buyers: We separate "lookers" from buyers and keep an active register of serious clients that call on us daily just waiting for new offerings, like yours, to appear on the market.
Pricing Assistance: Just because our commission is lower does not mean the price on your home will be too. We help you determine the selling price of your home by showing you what similar homes in your area have sold for, and by giving you a professional estimate of value and recommendation.